If you are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university, enrolling in the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science curricula can help you reach your goals. In these programs, which are also called the University Transfer programs, you can take any number of college transferable courses, from just a few to an entire associate degree. Also, if you are a public school teacher looking for recertification credit, many
of the courses will apply.
If you are interested in courses such as psychology, sociology, humanities, history, literature or the arts, you should enroll in the Associate in Arts degree. Alternatively, if you are more interested in math or science courses (STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), such as calculus, biology or chemistry, you should enroll in the Associate in Science degree. There are many benefits to attending OCtech as a student in Associate in Arts or Associate in Science. First, because OCtech is a college focused on the needs of first- and second-year college students, our faculty is dedicated to providing instruction on a more individual basis than larger four-year institutions. Our classes are smaller and provide opportunities for you to work one-on-one with your instructors. Additionally, the University Transfer programs offer the same courses that are typically required by four-year institutions as part of each student’s general education requirements. As a result, you can meet a large portion of the required general education courses needed at your transfer school in a small, friendly setting where your instructors truly care about your progress and are willing to assist you as you learn.
Not only will you have access to a supportive faculty at OCtech, but you will also have a faculty advisor and other counselors who will assist you in determining your educational goals and choose the right courses in order for you to make a smooth transition to another college or university. You and your advisor will closely consult with the college to which you plan to transfer so that the courses you take at OCtech will meet that institution’s transfer requirements.
Bachelor degree completion is available through articulation agreements with The University of South Carolina and South Carolina State University.
OCtech also offers an Early College program for high school students. High school juniors and seniors who meet the college’s requirements can take college credit courses through dual enrollment with OCtech. Successful completion of these courses may allow high school graduates to transfer the courses to the four year colleges of their choice. For more information about Early College, contact the OCtech University Transfer Coordinator’s Office.
Fall I
Spring I
Fall II
Spring II
General Education options:
Humanities/Fine Arts
ENG-205 can be substituted with ENG-201, ENG-202, ENG-206, ENG-208, ENG-209, or ENG-236 to fulfill Literature requirement.
HIS-201 can be substituted with HIS-101, HIS-102, or HIS-202 to fulfill History requirement.
Natural Sciences/Mathematics
MAT-110 can be substituted with MAT-111, MAT-120, MAT-130, MAT-140, MAT-141, or MAT-240 to fulfill Math requirement.
BIO-101 and BIO-102 can be substituted with CHM-110 and CHM-111, or PHY-221 and PHY-222 to fulfill Natural Science requirement.
Social/Behavioral Sciences
PSY-201 and SOC-101 can be substituted with PSC-201 or ECO-211 (or ECO-210) to fulfill Social/Behavioral Science requirement.
ENG-101, ENG-102, and SPC-205 are required to fulfill the Communications requirement.
Major Course Requirement options:
Students may substitute CHM-110, CHM-111, HIS-202, MAT-111, MAT-120, and MAT-130 for the following courses (courses used in this requirement section cannot be used to satisfy the requirements in the General Education or Elective sections):
BIO-101, BIO-102, BIO-210, BIO-211, BIO-225, CHM-110, CHM-111, CHM-210, MAT-110, MAT-111, MAT-120, MAT-130, MAT-140, MAT-141, MAT-240, PHY-221, PHY-222.
Elective Course Requirement options:
Students may substitute PSC-201, PSC-201, ENG-202, MUS-105, HIS-101, and SPC-205 for the following courses (courses used in this requirement section cannot be used to satisfy the requirements in the General Education or Major Course sections):
ACC-101, ACC-102, ART-101, BIO-101, BIO-102, BIO-210, BIO-211, BIO-225, CHM-110, CHM-111, ECO-210, ECO-211, ENG-201, ENG-205, ENG-206, ENG-208, ENG-209, ENG-236, FRE-101, FRE-102, HIS-102, HIS-201, HIS-202, MAT-110, MAT-111, MAT-120, MAT-130, MAT-140, MAT-141, MAT-240, PHI-101, PHI-110, PHY-221, PHY-222, PSC-215, PSY-201, PSY-203, PSY-212, REL-101, REL-102, SOC-101, SPA-101, SPA-102, COL-101, COL-103, COL-120, IDS-255, EGR-130, EGT-152, EET-140, AET-101.